I came across an interesting article tonight on the Yoga Journal website about making the mistake of giving your yoga teach too much power. Let me explain.... going to a yoga class and feeling empowered by it is a great thing. However attaching that empowerment to your teacher is not. You should see your yoga teacher as a facilitator and instructor but believe that you already have all the necessary elements to provide your self with strength and healing.
Too many times I have latched onto some one I find utterly inspirational, trying to follow their every move and imitate their every thought and up until 20 minutes ago I was still doing it. I relied too much on that person to show me the way to happiness - not listening to my own soul. No wonder I have swung wildly between passions ...photography, cooking, running, spinning, salsa, painting. The list is endless and always inspired by someone else finding their own happiness. I have found momentary happiness in each but I think I have always thrown myself into things because some one inspired me and I wanted to be more like them.
Now I guess there is nothing majorly wrong with that but am I not relying on someone else to help me achieve my happiness? Shouldn't I empower myself to heal and grow rather than looking for that healing from some one else?
There is a very fine line between being inspired and relying on some one else for your empowerment. I am going to work on taking responsibility for my inner strength which I know I already have.
Where do you draw the line?
I do want to make it completely clear that I ADORE my yoga teacher.She is a facilitatory for flexibility, strength, relaxation and spirituality. She allows us the space to find our own way and provides support when we need it. The love she has for her yoga shines through in her teaching. Through her I found my love for yoga. Love you Miss G