Wednesday 21 July 2010

Day 7 - Human After all!!

Okay - so I am not so perfect after all. Last night I accidently inhaled some Dorito's... and finished off some ice-cream I found in the dark depths of my freezer. Dammit. At least there weren't that many crisps or that much ice-cream.
Apart from that I have survived 7 days without crisps, chocolates, fizzy drinks, alcohol, pasta, pizza, bread, potatos.. I could go on and on but I wont - I am starting to dribble.
I feel proud! :-) I am going for my weight in in a few minutes so hears hoping I did well.

Found this really good recipe today for roasted red pepper soup - YUMMY!!


  1. Keep up the positive attitude you are doing really really well, we are always going to have days when we feel like we've messed it all up but it's so important to not let perfection be the enemy of our success! Onwards and downwards ;)

  2. Hi!

    Sorry I have not replied I have been surging ahead with work and play so neglected my poor little Bloggie.
    Thanks for the encouragement and you are totally right. I have now lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks so I am pretty proud of myself. I have 1 more week left for the detox and then I can start returning to some kind of normality.
    I like that saying "Perfection should not be the enemy of our success" - you should patent it! hehe
